21-08-2024In design, materiality with its array of textures, finishes, and compositions, captivates and communicates with the senses in subtle yet profound ways. GMS’s exploration of materiality invites people to engage through their senses. GMS’s process of experimentation combines traditional handmade techniques with cutting-edge technologies to push the boundaries of what is possible. The textures, colours, and forms of GMS designs create immersive sensory experiences that uplift.
GMS work is materials-led, and the choice, combination and orientation of materials imbue spaces, sculptures and surfaces that become conduits for expression. For example, smooth, textured ceramic shapes speaks of warmth and authenticity, while matt metal surfaces evoke notions of modernity and sophistication.
“The careful use of material can evoke tactility as the viewer (or occupant) imagines or mentally simulates what it would feel like to reach out and touch or caress an intriguing surface.” Sigsworth, 2019;
“Vision reveals what the touch already knows. We could think of the sense of touch as the unconscious of vision. Our eyes stroke distant surfaces, contours and edges, and the unconscious tactile sensation determines the agreeableness or unpleasantness of the experience.” (Pallasmaa, 1996).